


  • 所在梯队:科学工程计算与动力系统梯队
  • 办公地点:理化楼208
  • 研究领域:几何分析、偏微分方程理论及应用






[1]Xiaoliang LI, Baiyu LIU, Vacuum isolating, blow up threshold, and asymptotic behavior of solutions for a nonlocal parabolic equation, J. Math. Phys., 2017, 58, 101503 (SCI, 4区, 1.077)
[2]Baiyu LIU, Li MA, Radial symmetry results for fractional Laplaciansystems, Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications,201, 146(2016)120~135 (SCI, 2区, 1.125)
[3]Baiyu LIU, Li MA, Jing Wang, Blow up threshold for the Gross-Pitaevskii system with trapped dipolar quantum gases, Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, 96(3)(2016)344~360(SCI, 3区, 1.293)
[4]Baiyu LIU, Li MA, Blow up threshold for a parabolic type equation involving space integral and variational structure, Commun. Pur. Appl. Anal., 14(6)(2015)2169~2183(SCI, 3区, 0.926)
[5]Baiyu LIU, Xinhui SI, Invariant sets and the blow up threshold for coupled systems of reaction-diffusion, Applicable Analysis: An International Journal, 94(4)(2015)637-652 (SCI, 4区, 0.648)
[6]Baiyu LIU, Li MA, Blow up threshold for the Gross-Pitaevskii system with combined nonlocal nonlinearities, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 425(2)(2015.05)1214-1224 (SCI, 2区, 1.233)
[7]赵金虎, 刘白羽, 徐尔, 一类完全非线性椭圆型方程组解的对称性, 数学物理学报, 35(2)(2015.04)312-323 (核心期刊)
[8]Baiyu LIU, Li MA, Invariant sets and the blow up threshold for a nonlocal equation of parabolic type,Nonlinear Analysis-Theory Methods & Application,110(2014.11)141-156 (SCI, 2区,1.327)
[9]Xinhui SI, Lin LI, Liancun ZHENG, Xinxin ZHANG, Baiyu LIU, The exterior unsteady viscous flow and heat transfer due to a porous expanding stretching cylinder, Computers & Fluids, 105(2014.12)280-284.(SCI,3区, 1.619)
[10]Baiyu LIU, Li MA, Symmetry results for elliptic Schrödinger systems on half spaces, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 401(1)(2013.05) 259-268 (SCI,2区,1.05)
[11]Yanwu YANG, Jie ZHANG, Rui QIN, Juanjuan LI, Baiyu LIU, Zhong LIU, Budget strategy in uncertain environments of search auctions: a preliminary investigation, IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, VOL. 6, NO. 2, (2013.04-06) (SCI, 2区,1.985)
[12]Baiyu LIU, Li MA, Symmetry results for decay solutions of semilinear elliptic systems on half spaces, Nonlinear Analysis-Theory Methods & Applications,75(2012.04)3167-3177 (SCI,1区,1.536)
[13]Li MA, Baiyu LIU, Symmetry results for decay solutions of elliptic systems in the whole space. Adv. Math.,225(2010)3052-3063 (SCI, 2区, 1.405)
[14]Li MA, Baiyu LIU, Symmetry results for classical solutions of Monge-Ampere systems on bounded planar domains, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 369(2010)678-685. (SCI,2区,1.05)
[15]Li MA, Baiyu LIU, Q-curvature flow with indefinite nonlinearity, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I, 348(2010)403-406. (SCI, 4区, 0.446)
[16]Li MA, Baiyu LIU, Convex eigenfunction of a drifting Laplacian operator and the fundamental gap, Pacific J. Math., 240(2009)343-361.(SCI, 4区, 0.656)
[17]Li MA, Baiyu LIU, Convexity of first eigenfunction of drifting Laplacian operator and its application, New York J. Math., 14(2008)393-401.

1. 中央高校基本科研业务费项目,FRF-BR-17-013A,两类非局部发展方程解的爆破分析研究,在研、主持。
2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,11671031,Carnot-Caratheodory空间上若干问题,2017/01-2020/12、在研、参与。
3. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,11201025、带有位势项的薛定谔方程组解的整体性质研究、2013/01-2015/12、已结题、主持。
4. 中央高校基本科研业务费项目,FRF-TP-15-037A3、一类分数阶薛定谔方程组的定态性质研究,2015/10-2016/09、已结题、主持。
5. 中央高校基本科研业务费项目,FRF-TP-14-069A2、一类非局部Gross-Pitaevskii方程组解的爆破门槛和真空隔离现象,2014/09-2015/08、已结题、主持。
6. 中央高校基本科研业务费项目,FRF-TP-12-106A、Fujita型抛物方程组解的整体存在性与爆破现象、2012/01-2013/12、已结题、主持。
7. 中央高校基本科研业务费项目,FRF-BR-13-023、偏微分方程计算及其在工程科学中的应用、2013/12-2015/06、已结题、参与。

1. 刘白羽,《高等微分几何》,2015年4月出版,吉林大学出版社;
2. 侯书会、刘白羽,《高等数学(英文版)》,2016年5月,科学出版社。


1. 2017年11月获得第三届(2017)全国高校数学微课程教学设计竞赛全国二等奖; 2. 2017年8月获得第三届(2017)全国高校数学微课程教学设计竞赛华北赛区特等奖、北京高校数学微课程教学设计竞赛特等奖;3. 2017年5月获北京科技大学第十届青年教师教学基本功比赛二等奖;4. 2017年1月获第二十七届北京科技大学教育教学成果奖二等奖,高等微分几何(教材);



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